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Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Following activities OPEN DAY FMIPA

Yesterday morning me and my friends from computer science are following events OPEN DAY which we are held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty (Mathematics and Natural Sciences). The activity was in the form of tug of war, footsall, gymnastics creations, badminton, chess, basketball, making mading, making posters, dances, and many other competitions.
From a variety of activities, I followed the tug of war and Footsall. Pull in activities Mine, our team suffered defeat from our friends in the department of mathematics, and also at the Competition Footsall, we suffered defeat from friends in the Department of Chemistry.
                In addition I helped my friend to make a banner that would otherwise require each department, should have a banner to be collected and will be judged by the contest organizing committee OPEN DAY.
                We then immediately made the banner because of the time that is given very little and should be in the gathering on Tuesday. Assessment on the value of the banner are from trouble making, coloring, and we also got the lottery black cloth banners.
                We decided to make a banner with a combination of silver and gold into the fabric of black banners that is given to us. we have divided the task to work on our banner. I got a job coloring my banner with three other friends.
                We will try to solve it before Tuesday or collect it on time on Tuesday. With the division of tasks, I hope that banners can be completed on time and I hope that we made a banner that could be the best, and with that we can collect points so that we can defend the title Champion OPEN DAY Faculty of Mathematics for Computer Science.

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